With the first GOP presidential primary debates only days
away, how will the campaign landscape impact voter registration? If the just
released July, 2015 numbers from the Nevada Secretary of State’s
office are any indication, the trend of voters leaving the two major
political parties will continue.
Nevada’s active voter rolls increased by 8,098 over June,
2015. However, while all categories showed an increase in raw numbers, only
Non-Partisan increased its percentage share. Of the 8,098 new voters, 37.2
percent chose not to affiliate with either the Democratic or Republican Party.
(29.4% Non-Partisan / 7.8% minor parties) That number is greater than either
the percentage who registered as Democratic (33.4%) or Republican (29.7%).
In Clark County, the increase in Non-Partisan registration far
out-paced that of either of the two major parties; 1.11 percent versus 0.65
Democratic and 0.77 GOP. Non-Partisans now compose over 20 percent of Clark
County active registered voters. Adding in minor party registrations, over 26
percent of active voters in Clark County choose not to affiliate with either
major party.
Registration numbers in Washoe County show an even greater
increase of Non-Partisan versus major party registration; 0.78 percent
Non-Partisan, 0.4 percent Democratic, 0.3 percent Republican. 26.5 percent of
active Washoe County voters (19% Non-Partisan, 7.5% minor party) now choose not
to affiliate with the major parties.
A new demographic I’ll start tracking is the trend in the
rural counties. Since January, 2015, growth of voters registered as
Non-Partisan or to a minor political party is quadruple that of the Democratic
or Republican party. Over this period Non-Partisan registration increased 2.9
percent and now represents 17 percent of the rural voter registration. Minor
party registration also increased 2.5 percent. The Democratic party lost four
voters and the GOP increased only 0.57 percent. Just under 25 percent of rural
voters do not affiliate with either major party.
In the 18 – 34 year old demographic, the month over month
increase of active voters registered as Non-Partisan or in a minor party doubled
the growth of either the Democratic and Republican party; 1.8 percent (1.18%
Non-Partisan, 0.62% minor party) as compared to 0.81 and 0.92 respectively. Just
under 30 percent of voters in this group are now registered as Non-Partisan and
the total not affiliating with either major party is approaching 40 percent.
Similar growth was also recorded in the 55 and over age
group. Non-Partisan registration grew by 0.88 percent. Minor party registration
in this age group increased 0.85 percent. Comparatively, Democratic
registration increased by only 0.54 percent and GOP registration by only 0.6
percent. 19.2 percent of voters in this group, almost 44 percent of all active
voters in Nevada do not affiliate with either of the two major political
As the 2016 campaigns shift to high gear and voters’
interest increases, it will be interesting to see if voters continue to
distance themselves from the two major political parties. Check back each month
to find out.
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