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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Will Top Three Primary Increase Voter Turnout?

One of the claims often made about an open primary of any type is it will increase voter turnout. Depending on the type of open primary; independents identify as Democrat or Republican at the polls and vote that party's ballot, independents register as Democrat or Republican by a set date and vote that party's ballot, or blanket primary where all candidates are listed on the same ballot and all voters cast ballots, the results vary.

One study I link in my post "Nevada Election Modernization and Reform - The Details" states using a blanket format will increase voter turnout especially among unaffiliated voters. But what is the potential in Nevada?

The potential is huge.

Primary Election Turnout / %
General Election Turnout / %
% Increase
188.652 / 18.0
970,019 / 80.3

320,648 / 30.1
723,515 / 64.6

199,797 / 18.9
1,016,664 / 80.8

Considering unaffiliated voters have little incentive to come to the polls under the current system; not much excitement voting for judges and school board, those that do are citizens that are interested in their community. Looking at the general election turnout, imagine the excitement of a 50 - 60% primary turnout. Give unaffiliated voters a reason to show up and they will.

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